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Risk, trust and relationships in an ageing society

A review of the risk, trust and confidence aspects of decision-making in informal and semi-formal caring and supportive relationships in an ageing society.
Trust has been typified as the social glue that binds society together, while risk is seen as a countervailing force. This review considers the role of
individual motivation and cognition in dealing with some of the challenges, choices and tensions confronted in daily life in relation to the issues of risk
and trust. Report published by the Joseph Rowntree

Building dementia-friendly communities: a priority for everyone

Report that provides evidence on dementia-friendly communities from the perspective of people affected by dementia and their carers. It explores the barriers that people face in their community, how they would like to be engaged with their local area and the support they need to do so.

It also collates existing evidence and describes projects that are already making a difference for people with dementia. This information is used both to provide a definition of a dementia-friendly community, and to lay out 10 areas of focus for communities working to become dementia friendly.

Evaluating participation: a guide and toolkit for health and social care practitioners

Tool for supporting the evaluation of public involvement and participation in health services. A partner to the Participation Toolkit, it is a stand-alone guide for assessing the way in which a participation project has been undertaken (process) and the results of that activity (outcomes). It does not set out to be a definitive guide to evaluation, but aims to provide resources, references and tools to help people develop their own approach to evaluation.

The guide will: