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A literature review of the likely costs and benefits of legislation to prohibit age discrimination in health, social care and mental health services and definitions of age discrimination that might be operationalised for measurement

Literature review offering an analysis, derived from literature written internationally, of age discrimination in health, social care and mental health services and the costs and benefits of providing these for an ageing population.

Sure Start children's centres : survey of parents

A survey of 1,496 parents and carers was carried out between August and October 2008 to quantify the reach (i.e. awareness and usage) of Sure Start Children’s Centres among the target population (that is, parents and carers of children aged under five years and expectant parents). The survey was limited to children’s centres which were designated by March 2006 and so had been established for several years.

Adult skills and higher education: separation or union?

Paper assessing and discussing the position of adult skills training in England in the context of the creation of the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) and the continuation of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). It argues that giving responsibility for funding adult skills training to the DIUS risks adult skills being left behind by higher education.

Child wellbeing and child poverty: where the UK stands in the European table

Child wellbeing and child poverty:where the UK stands in the European table, is a briefing paper of research by a York University team for the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) published in April 2009. This league table of young people's wellbeing places the United Kingdom 24th out of 29 countries measured across seven areas: health, education, housing, material resources, relationships, risk, and how young people feel about their lives. The data was mostly drawn from 2006 and does not reflect changes as a result of government programmes since that time.