Licensing for public health
Guide produced for licensing boards and local licensing forums to help them understand what the public health principle enshrined in the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 might mean for them in practice.
Guide produced for licensing boards and local licensing forums to help them understand what the public health principle enshrined in the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 might mean for them in practice.
Report presenting new perspectives on whole-family approaches to preventing and dealing with youth homelessness through relating parents' experiences of successful approaches to homelessness prevention and the views and experiences of key agencies working with families at risk.
This document A review of the use of offending behaviour programmes for people with mental health problems finds that many programmes are not adapted to the needs of people with mental health problems and that they fail to address the most common causes of offending, such as lack of a home and lack of a job.
This report presents findings from a review of the best evidence on narrowing the gap in outcomes across the five Every Child Matters (ECM) areas for vulnerable groups. The aims and focus of the review was to look at the empirically-based research on narrowing the gaps in outcomes that had been carried out in the UK since 2002; identify the vulnerable groups covered in the research; identify which ECM outcome areas in which the gaps are being narrowed; to identify how gaps are being narrowed; and to identify gaps in the research or evidence base.
Report presenting the findings of a review which aimed to provide both an overview of mental health provision in London's prisons and an appreciation of the issues confronting those responsible for providing prison mental health services.
Paper arguing that local communities are well placed to be an integral part of counter-terrorism activities. It contends that communities can be important sources of information and intelligence, can act to divert young people from extremism, can take the lead in tackling problems which cause grievances and fully legitimise the work of police and security services by consenting to their activities.
This progress map summary includes key research findings from a C4EO knowledge review about how to improve disabled children's access to play, sport, leisure and cultural activities. The summary includes challenge questions which can be used as tools for strategic leaders in assessing, delivering and monitoring disabled children's access to services. Key findings discussed include what are inclusive services, what disabled children want from play and leisure services and barriers to access and participation.
Report of research which assessed ways in which voluntary organisations can work better with young refugees to further their self-development and improve their skills. The report aims to help voluntary organisations formulate a policy approach for young refugees.
In 2009, the Department for Children, Schools and Families commissioned GfK NOP to conduct research to investigate young people and alcohol. Specifically, the research was designed to better understand parents’ and young people’s attitudes and behaviour towards alcohol and alcohol consumption. The research was also designed to investigate how children’s behaviour may be influenced by their parent’s attitudes and behaviour towards alcohol.
Paper setting out the potential shape of mental health services in England in 2015. Among other ambitions, it sees services as more accessible, equal, more supportive of carers, producing better care planning, offering individual budgets and investing in service user groups.