Resources selected by NHS Education for Scotland for inclusion in Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS).

Commissioning in health, education and social care: models, research bibliography and in-depth review of joint commissioning between health and social care agencies

The way that public services are organised and work has changed considerably over the last 25 years. One of the main changes has been to divide the function of public agencies into service purchasers which ‘commission’ or ‘purchase’ services on behalf of the public and service providers which provide the services. This change has been introduced across all public sectors in many different countries. The broad aim of this research was to identify research evidence on ‘commissioning’ or ‘public service purchasing’ in education, health and/or social welfare in the UK and other countries.

SCIE research briefing 43: effective supervision in social work and social care

This research briefing provides an overview of the evidence concerning the value of supervision in supporting the practice of social care and social work. It is relevant to both children’s and adult social care services and includes a consideration of supervision in integrated, multi-professional teams. While the focus is on social work and social care, some of the research reviewed includes participants from other professions such as nursing and psychology.

At a glance 61: co-production and participation: older people with high support needs

This At a glance briefing gives a summary of a review of literature and a small-scale survey of good practice on the participation and co-production of older people with high support needs. The report brings together the most recent and relevant research findings and development initiatives and identifies barriers to the participation of older people with high support needs and some solutions. It also identifies effective practice initiatives for increasing the participation of older people with high support needs, as well as new approaches to involve older people with high support needs.

Report 61: co-production and participation: older people with high support needs

This is a summary of research literature on the participation and co-production of older people with high support needs. Benefits and barriers are identified and practice examples are listed. The report will be of particular interest to commissioners of social and health care services. It will also be useful for people working in housing provision and service users and others developing the co-production/participation agenda in care provision and service development. Resource published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in October 2012. Review date in October 2015.

Pregnancy and motherhood

This page contains the findings of systematic reviews undertaken by the EPPI-Centre Health Promotion and Public Health Reviews Reviews Facility. This review provides information about teenage pregnancy; smoking in pregnancy; midwifery and motherhood. This topic is included in the EPPI-Centre knowledge library. The Knowledge Pages facility enables users to search for the key messages within specific subject areas to which EPPI-Centre reviews have contributed.

Plain tobacco packaging: a systematic review

This systematic review outlines findings from 37 studies that provide evidence of the impacts of plain tobacco packaging. The review was conducted following the publication of the March 2011 White Paper Healthy Lives: Healthy People which set out a renewed Tobacco Control Plan for England. One of the key actions identified in the plan was to consult on possible options to reduce the promotional impact of tobacco packaging, including plain packaging. Review published by Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre).