Resources selected by NHS Education for Scotland for inclusion in Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS).

Releasing Time to Care (RTC)

The NHS Scotland Releasing Time to Care (RTC) Community of Practice (CoP) website is for all clinicians and colleagues from Health and Social Care settings around NHSScotland who are working with and realising the benefits of the RTC programme. This website offers us all the opportunity to network and share our success stories and challenges, and learn with and from others. Anyone with an interest in RTC in health and social care may join this network, which is intended to be a place where you can freely interact with the Scotland-wide RTC community

Know your choices: plan your support

Ten tips to help older people with high support needs make informed choices and plan their support.
Older people who need support are often offered a very narrow range of choices, and are rarely given good information about the many possibilities. This leaflet is about a range of options that care professionals may know little about. Document published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in December 2013. Summary and full report available.

ScotPHO online profile tool v1.3

The new Scotpho Online Profiles Tool (OPT) is designed to replace the previous reports and excel based outputs, the online profile tool (OPT) allows users to view the various different profiles produced by the ScotPHO collaboration. The profiles highlight the considerable variation in health between areas and help identify priorities for health improvement.

Risk, trust and relationships in an ageing society

A review of the risk, trust and confidence aspects of decision-making in informal and semi-formal caring and supportive relationships in an ageing society.
Trust has been typified as the social glue that binds society together, while risk is seen as a countervailing force. This review considers the role of
individual motivation and cognition in dealing with some of the challenges, choices and tensions confronted in daily life in relation to the issues of risk
and trust. Report published by the Joseph Rowntree

Role of diagnosis in counselling and psychotherapy

This unit explores the role of diagnosis in the treatment of mental health problems. It considers the history of our current understandings of 'mental health' and 'illness' with focus on the concepts of anxiety and depression, and looks at potential gains and losses in using diagnostic labels in counselling and pyschotherapy. This unit is an adapted extract from The Open University course D240 Counselling: exploring fear and sadness . It is at introductory level, and should take 8 hours to complete.