Personalisation (Self-directed support)

A collection of resources on the topic of personalisation. It is one of IRISS's core themes.

Social Care (Self-directed support) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3

Briefing that provides a summary of the parliamentary scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill prior to the Stage 3 proceedings, due on 28 November 2012.

It outlines:
- The Health and Sport's Committee's Stage 1 report recommendations and the Scottish Government's response
- Amendments agreed to at Stage 2
- Issues that were raised at Stage 2 but did not result in amendment to the Bill
- Amendments that have been lodged for Stage 3.

A fair budget: a discussion paper exploring the role of the RAS in the development of self-directed support

Discussion paper that describes a way forward for developing Resource Allocation Systems (RAS) in Scotland as an essential component of a sustainable system of self-directed support. It argues that, rather than fixate on one model or system, there needs to be a period of genuine innovation and exploration in partnership with disabled people and families.

Families and personalisation project 'Better Lives': key learning outcomes summary for families, local authorities and support providers

Summary of a programme run in three locations - Suffolk, Calderdale and Wolverhampton. Each site recruited families who, primarily, were dissatisfied with how things were at the time, who had a vision for things being different and/or were worried about the future. Although each locality had done some information sharing with families, most participants were unaware of or deeply sceptical about personalisation.