Child Protection

A collection of resources on the law, policy and practice of child protection. Includes case studies and exercises.

North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Annual Report: April 2005 - March 2006 and Business Plan: April 2006 - March 2007

This Annual Report and Business Plan dovetails with the overarching outcomes as detailed in North Ayrshire’s Integrated Children’s Services Plan (2005-2008) and reviews the performance of the Committee in accordance with the Scottish Executive's performance indicators.

Edinburgh’s Children : The Report of the Edinburgh Inquiry into Abuse and Protection of Children in Care

Following the conviction of two former care workers on 4th of December, 1997, the City of Edinburgh Council’s Policy and Resources Committee agreed to hold an Inquiry into matters arising from these trials. This is the report of the findings of the Inquiry. It includes investigation and review of historical procedures and allegations; review of current procedures, practice and guidelines in operation in the City of Edinburgh; and recommendations to assure that every measure is in place to minimise child abuse.

Angus Child Protection Committee: survey results

This survey was carried out in May 2005. It asked 3 questions:

1. How should we provide information about who can help with matters of child well being or protection?
2. Who would you talk to about a child whose well being or protection you were concerned about?
3. If written information was provided how would you like to get it? The document provides results, and compares paper and e-survey responses.

Child witness support

Consultation document that contains individual sections on a system of integrated support for child witnesses, guidance on investigative interviewing, the provision of pre-court therapy, the conduct of court familiarisation visits, the questioning of children in court, and a format for communicating information about child witnesses throughout the legal process.

National care standards: foster care and family placement

These standards were developed to improve the quality of care and service for those in foster care. The standards cover the following activities: recruiting, selecting, approving, training and supporting foster carers; matching children and young people with foster carers; supporting and monitoring foster carers; and the work of agency fostering panels and other approval panels. The standards do not apply to the services provided directly by foster carers themselves.

Safeguarding children in whom illness is induced or fabricated by carers with parenting responsibilities : supplementary guidance to 'Working Together to Safeguard Children'

This document is based on Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (Department of Health et al, 1999). Working Together sets out how all agencies and professionals should work together to safeguard and promote children’s welfare.