
Dementia and end of life care

Film that illustrates the steps involved in supporting a person with dementia to die well, through the experience of Mairead Smart and her family. It is crucial to recognise when a person with dementia enters the final weeks and days of their life and to respond with support that avoids unnecessary interventions and reflects the wishes of the individual and their family.

Participation in dementia care planning

Having been diagnosed with dementia at the age of 70, Brian and his wife June now actively participate in planning dementia care services in Gloucestershire.

This film illustrates the range of activities they are involved in - developing a ‘Living Well Handbook’, giving talks and helping shape training tools. It also highlights how commissioners, support organisations and carers all have a role to play in enabling the person with dementia to share their knowledge and experience for the benefit of others.

Living with young onset dementia

Film that introduces Ian Grant and Sandy Reed, who were both diagnosed with dementia in their 50’s. They describe their experiences of receiving such a diagnosis at an early age, and the lack of support that often follows.

They are both now supported by the Forget Me Not Centre, which provides counselling and support to younger people with dementia and takes a reablement approach. This means that the support staff work alongside the individuals, help to break difficult tasks down into small steps, and encourage frequent practice until confidence in their abilities grows.

Speak Out Against Harassment and Bullying

Speak Out started in 2002 after we learned about some work ENABLE were doing in schools in Glasgow. Our first meeting was at the Engine Shed in Edinburgh and we have been meeting at least every 3 weeks ever since. Edinburgh Development Group and People First support our group. We go into schools and do presentations to teach children about bullying and harassment and about learning difficulties. We also work with Lothian and Borders Police, the Local Authority (and sometimes other organisations and groups).

Edward Stanton's story

My name is Edward Stanton. I am the Chairperson of People First in Glasgow. I am 72 now, and was born in Glasgow, in Kinning Park. I have lived in Glasgow all my life. Glasgow has got a lot better for disabled people over the years. It's a lot better now than when I was young.

Moray Carers Digital Story Project

The Moray Carers Project received funding to record on film the stories of some of the carers they supported. The purpose of this project is to raise the awareness of the issues that face carers. It also gives carers in Moray a chance to get to know each other and combat the isolation that can come from being a carer in a rural community. Why is this an example of Citizen Leadership? Firstly, in this project the carers are encouraged to creatively direct their own films, so they are really telling their own story.

Still Game / Ceartas

Ceartas is an independent advocacy organisation in East Dunbartonshire. Still Game is a project that encourages people who have had an advocate develop their leadership skills so that they can play a part in how the organisation runs.
Still Game started because Ceartas are keen to get real people involved at the heart of the organisation. Ceartas want to hear what they really think about the services they use. It is also about helping individuals take control over their lives, speak up and influence the social care services they use.