
The Outdoors - A Natural Place for Young People with Autism, End of Project Report

This End of Project Report describes an innovative Transition to Work Programme for young people with autistic spectrum diagnoses and is the result of a pilot programme developed by Lothian Autistic Society (LAS) and Scottish Outdoor Education Centres (SOEC) and made possible through funding from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The pilot had the twin aims of developing employability skills and exploring the therapeutic value of the outdoors. 

People affected by dementia programme. Individual awards pilot projects: Argyll & Bute and Edinburgh. Evaluation report

This evaluation report is based on feedback from people living with dementia and carers who received an Individual Award from the Life Changes Trust. The Individual Awards Pilot Scheme was run in Argyll & Bute and Edinburgh in 2014-15 and aimed to provide a small amount of additional financial empowerment to a number of individuals whose lives have been affected by dementia, to help improve their well-being and quality of life.

Short breaks in 2015, an uncertain future

Short breaks are among the most fundamental services for supporting families with disabled children. By providing breaks from caring and positive experiences for children and young people, they allow parent carers to focus on relationships with other children, or to have time to themselves or with their partner, leading to lower levels of psychological distress, higher levels of life satisfaction and better health. As a result, fewer parent carers reach ‘breaking point’ and fewer children require access to emergency provision or enter the looked after system.

Leading change in supervison: messages from practice

This report describes the rationale, process and learning from a project led by IRISS which explored the topic of supervision with a group of six partners from across the social services sector. The purpose of this report is to share the learning gathered through the project to provide some evidence, inspiration, and pointers for those interested in improving supervision. Key points from the report can be used to prompt reflection and discussion with teams, to review current supervision practice and to help plan improvements.

See hear: a strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland

See Hear is a strategy for both children and adults. It recognises the rising incidence of those illnesses and disabilities that increase with age and acknowledges the work for children with sensory loss taking place through policies such as Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC), the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill which is currently progressing through Parliament and the Scottish Government's response to the Doran Review. It is set against a background of increasing demand, the requirement for greater efficiency and effectiveness, and health and social care Integration.

Our ambitions for improving the life chances of young people in Scotland

A national youth work startegy 2014-2019. It aims to set out ambitions for improving outcomes for young people through youth work.

It has been developed in the context of the strategic guidance for community learning and development, and it aims to ensure that we harness and build on partnerships and what works in delivering vibrant and effective youth work practice.