
Homelessness strategy for Northern Ireland 2012-2017

The Homelessness Strategy 2012-17 sets out our strategy for tackling homelessness over the next five years and establishes the guiding principles for the development and delivery of homelessness services.

The strategy aims to ensure:
• The risk of a person becoming homeless will be minimised through effective preventative measures.
• Through enhanced inter agency co-operation, services to the most vulnerable homeless households will be improved.

Improving and safeguarding social wellbeing: a strategy for social work in Northern Ireland 2012-2022

Strategy that has a particular focus on social work in the Health and Social Care (HSC) System which is where the majority of social workers are employed. It is intended as a guide for social workers, their employers, commissioners, education providers and regulators.

Criminal justice, education, youth justice, voluntary and private organisations are also important employers of social workers and this strategy and its proposals will support social workers in these sectors.

Missing children and adults: a cross government strategy

Strategy document that sets out some objectives which will provide the foundations for a local strategy and framework for local areas to put in place their own arrangements, which seek to ensure that everything is done to prevent people going missing in the first place, but also ensure the reduction of harm to vulnerable children and adults when they do go missing, focusing on those most at risk, and ensuring that families are supported.

Social action for health and well-being: building co-operative communities

Document that covers four strategic themes that fundamentally shape the environment in which volunteering takes place and the willingness and ability of people to contribute.

The themes include:

• Leadership – building activity and service provision around people’s strengths
• Partnership – working together to build community capacity
• Commissioning – for better outcomes and increased social value
• Volunteer support – creating good volunteering experiences that are open to all.