The overall aims of the research were to examine the views and experiences of a representative sample of the adult Scottish population (reflecting age, gender, income, location, race and ethnic diversity) in relation to a spectrum of mental health-related issues; and to compare findings with other relevant survey data.
The specific objectives of the research were to investigate people’s perceptions of their own general health and lifestyle, and to explore people’s understanding of mental wellbeing and mental health problems, and their understanding of factors affecting these, investigate people’s direct experience of mental health problems and recovery from mental health problems, investigate people’s sources of information on mental health problems, explore people’s attitudes to mental health problems, including the stereotypes and myths, explore people’s attitudes to those who experience specific symptoms of mental health problems, compare findings with the 2002, 2004 and 2006 surveys and, as far as data are comparable, with findings from similar surveys carried out in Scotland, in other parts of the UK and internationally.