The main aims for the research were set out in the contract specification as follows.
1) To collect evidence on and consider and assess the existing usage, capacity and range of respite care provision commissioned through public funding (including the NHS, social services and community care direct payments) across Wales;
2)To collect evidence on and consider and assess the patterns and volume of existing and future demand for respite care services; and
3)In the light of all the views, evidence and information that are gathered and assessed by the successful contractor, to reach conclusions and make recommendations about priorities for future respite care provision in Wales including an assessment of the implementation costs associated with any recommendation.
The research covers respite care for both children and adults.
The Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure 2010 was approved by the National Assembly for Wales on 21 September 2010 and received royal approval on 10 November 2010. One of the reasons for the commissioning of this research was to assist the Welsh Assembly Government in making informed decisions about the development and implementation of that Measure.