Explore curated special collections

Child Protection

A collection of resources on the law, policy and practice of child protection. Includes case studies and exercises.

Crime and Justice Research

These resources were selected by the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and are now maintained by IRISS.


This collection is under development. The intention is to create a collection a resources about caring for people with dementia.

Drug and Alcohol Misuse

A collection of training materials compiled by STRADA, Scottish Training on Drugs and Alcohol.

Early Years

A collection of resources on the topic of early years.

Evidence-Informed Practice

Curated by Iriss, this collection features: Iriss Insights which summarise evidence on key topics, evidence sources and other related resources.

Hospital to Home

A collection of health and social care resources relating to the pathway from hospital to home for older people. Includes case studies, reports and journal articles.


A collection of resources on the topic of integration in health and social care. It is one of Iriss's core themes.

Iriss Insights

Iriss Insights provide the social services workforce with brief, accessible and practice-oriented summaries of published evidence on key topics.

Outcomes Toolbox

This toolbox brings together a range of resources and knowledge relevant to an outcomes-focused approach in the social services.

Practitioner Research

A collection of resources about practitioners undertaking research compiled as part of the Practitioner Research and Older People's Support (PROP) project.

Preventing Infection in Care

Video and supporting materials on infection prevention and control in care settings. Based on a DVD from NHS Education for Scotland.

Research Resources

A collection of freely available research resources, including university repositories, cross-repository search facilities, and open access journals.

SCLD Citizen Leadership Gallery

Videos from the SCLD Citizen Leadership video project

Scottish Recovery Network

The SRN contributed this selection of video and text materials on mental health.

Shared Care Scotland

A collection of good practice examples in short breaks and respite care.


Resources selected by NHS Education for Scotland for inclusion in Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS).


A resource to support people involved in health and social care to understand the benefits of storytelling, and to understand, gather and use stories where appropriate.