reflective practice

Communication & practice learning

This learning object is to introduces Practice Learning Qualification (PLQ) candidates to key concepts and theories relating to communication within the contexts of education, health and social services. It uses the specific context of practice learning within social work education to introduce and explore the themes of verbal, non-verbal and written communication, and communication across diverse situations. In particular it highlights the values and techniques involved in giving and receiving feedback during professional practice learning.

Reflective journal (3)

The notion that effective professionals are those that can think systematically and critically about their own work, and use this to develop is now well established under the broad title “Reflective Practice”. There is an expectation of workers by most employers that they reflect upon their practice, and this often forms an important element of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

SCIE Position paper 2: A framework for supporting and assessing practice learning

In this position paper, the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) sets out a skills and qualifications framework that should support practice learning, both in the new degree and across social care organisations. We focus on ways of supporting those whose task it is to assess practice in the workplace ('practice assessors’). We also look at employers’ opportunities for organisational development, improved practice standards and human resource development (HRD).

Supervision and reflective practice : reflections on supervision

This learning object is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. Reflections on supervision is a trigger to encourage both practice teacher and student to examine their expectations about the content and functions of supervision.

The practice tutorial (supervision session) is the linchpin of the student's learning and the assessment of their practice abilities, yet it is has complex purposes and may reflect very different understandings of these purposes.

SCIE knowledge review 05: fostering success: an exploration of the research literature in foster care

Foster children have difficult early lives. Their needs are great, their educational performance can be poor, their childhoods in foster care and out of it are often unstable. In their adult lives they are at greater risk than others of a wide variety of difficulties. These 'facts' have led some to conclude that the state is not an adequate parent.

Reflective practice : signposts

This learning object is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. This chapter is designed to help students to reflect on the way they 'put their practice together' and to dispel the mystique associated with research and 'putting theory into practice'. It scrutinizes the processes which affect the practitioner's judgement in turning observations into action.