anti-racist practice

Roma inclusion: a progressive and rights-based approach (General Policy Paper No. 7)

This seventh General Policy Paper by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is the product of ongoing concern and reflection regarding the development of progressive integration and social inclusion policies as a tool to combat racism.

It comes shortly after the EU designed and adopted a European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies, an important step in acknowledging politically the need to improve Roma inclusion initiatives and policies and to combat segregation.

Racism in Europe

Report that provides a civil society perspective on the situation of racism and related discrimination in Europe, between March 2010 and March 2011.

Findings indicate that racially discriminatory practices are widespread, institutional in nature and practiced at all levels of society across Europe.

Are you saying I'm racist? An evaluation of work to tackle racist violence in three areas of London

Report that presents the results of a special initiative designed to develop methods for preventing young people from becoming involved in racist violence. The Preventing Racist Violence Special Initiative consists of three projects undertaken in South and East London, and has been funded by the Trust for London. The initiative was launched in January 2007 and the projects have now been in operation for over four years.


This page contains the findings of systematic reviews undertaken by review groups linked to the EPPI-Centre. This topic is included in the EPPI-Centre knowledge library. The Knowledge Pages facility enables users to search for the key messages within specific subject areas to which EPPI-Centre reviews have contributed.

People in Harmony

People in Harmony is an interracial anti-racist organisation which promotes the positive experience of interracial life in Britain today and challenges the racism, prejudice and ignorance in society.