
Retelling the past using new technologies: a case Study into the digitization of social work heritage material and the creation of a virtual exhibition

Article explains the rationale for the digitization of social work heritage material and the virtualization of an archived nondigital museum exhibit constructed by a Scottish Museum of Social Work.

The project involved the “virtualization” of an existing social work museum exhibition on the migration of “Home Children” from Scotland to Canada in the late 19th and early 20th century and the digital preservation of historical assets (both text and images) held by the contemporary social care organization involved in the migration of the children.

Comparative study on the practice in the field of return of minors: final report

A study on ―best practices in the field of the return of minors was carried out by ECRE, in strategic partnership with Save the Children, on behalf of the European Commission. The study looked at
legislation and practice regarding the return of children, either unaccompanied or within families, who return voluntarily or are forced to return because of their status as illegally staying third country

A long-run model of housing affordability

As a result of the recommendations of the Barker Review of Housing Supply in 2004, the Department of Communities and Local Government in England commissioned the construction of an econometric model of regional housing markets in order to examine the effects of different levels of housing construction on long-run affordability.The model has been regularly used as part of the policy making process in England.

Determining identity and nationality in local policing

The study involved an examination of practices for checking the nationality and migrant status of arrestees in a sample of custody suites in England and Wales in 2006/07.

The study also involved the piloting of enhanced checking processes in four custody suites. The aim was to examine the use of immigration powers when dealing with foreign national (FN) arrestees and whether this could be expanded and improved.

Black Presence : Asian and Black History in Britain, 1500-1850

'Black Presence: Asian and Black History in Britain' is a partnership between The National Archives (formerly the Public Record Office) and the Black and Asian Studies Association (BASA), funded by the New Opportunities Fund. This exhibition appears on 'Pathways to the Past', the National Archives' website for lifelong learners. The exhibition covers Black and Asian history in Britain from 1500 to 1850.