older people

Attitudes and Images of Ageing

This learning object is about ways in which people's experience of ageing and mental health are shaped by society's attitudes to older people and later life. You will consider the way age-related images and ideas, displayed in the media and in everyday language, shape our perceptions; but also what we know about older people's own attitudes and aspirations. This object also contains a self-assessment section where you can test how far you have assimilated the key messages from this learning object.

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Annual Report 2005

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance promotes, supports and defends the principles and practice of independent advocacy across Scotland. This report details activities undertaken by the SIAA in 2005 including running 'advocacy awareness' training for service providers, a 'training for trainers' course, the distribution of the 'Directory of Advocacy Organisations in Scotland' and the development of the SIAA website which hosts a discussion forum to discuss dilemmas and to start discussions on advocacy in Scotland.

The poor relation?: grandparental care: where older people's poverty and child poverty meet

This report notes that there is an incomplete picture of family life in Britain. The scale of the contribution that the UK's 14 million grandparents are making is not fully known. This interim report uses new British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey data to begin to build a more comprehensive picture of Britain's grandparent population; looking at how it has changed over the last decade, and what financial implications becoming a grandparent might involve.

SCIE Position paper 3: Has service user participation made a difference to social care services?

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) wants to bring together a lot of knowledge about social care, so that information on what works best is available to everyone. This Position paper is about how social care services can be made better by the people who use them - that is, the service users themselves. It brings together the main findings from six reviews that looked at whether service user participation made a difference to changing and improving social care services.