
Health, wellbeing, and the older people housing agenda

One of three papers which explores the practicalities of deliveringhousing for older people and maximising the benefits to health andwellbeing.

It uses as a starting point the guidance provided in the ADASS/Housing Learning and Improvement Network's Strategic Housing for Older People resource pack, Planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want and, more recently, work the Housing. LIN is involved in with the NHS Commissioning Board to develop a health and housing compact that supports closer integrated approaches with housing to support patient care.

Exploring the relationships between housing, neighbourhoods and mental wellbeing for residents of deprived areas

Housing-led regeneration has been shown to have limited effects on mental health. Considering housing and neighbourhoods as a psychosocial environment, regeneration may have greater impact on positive mental wellbeing than mental ill-health.

This study examined the relationship between the positive mental wellbeing of residents living in deprived areas and their perceptions of their housing and neighbourhoods.

Loneliness compendium: examples from research and practice

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT)'s action research programme 'Neighbourhood Approaches to Loneliness' looks at how a neighbourhood as a whole can support those who live with loneliness. This paper defines loneliness; explores how lonely people can be identified and engaged and outlines research and projects that could inform the Approaches to Loneliness programme.