Aluminium and alzheimer's disease
The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia.
The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia.
Factsheet giving information and guidance on the regulations for claiming Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance and answering some frequently asked questions about these benefits.
This report uses data from the Families and Children Study to investigate the characteristics of families that include a disabled adult and/or child. Questions posed by this research include, for instance, how do disability and caring responsibilities relate to families' ages, size, ethnic origins and so on? How far does disability cluster together within families, given that worklessness appears often related to ill-health?
The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. People with dementia may be admitted to general hospital wards either as part of a planned procedure such as a cataract operation or following an accident such as a fall. Carers often worry about how their friend or relative will cope in such a strange environment. This advice sheet suggests ways that carers may be able to help.
The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. People with Aids sometimes develop cognitive impairment, particularly in the later stages of their illness. This information sheet explains how aids-related cognitive impairment is diagnosed, and describes the symptoms and treatments available.
Document reporting the results of an inspection of substance misuse services in Grampian and making recommendations for improvements.
Report detailing the results of an inspection of substance misuse services in Grampian and making recommendations for improvements.
Report presenting the responses to a consultation exercise with older people carried out to discover their views and experiences of service provision in England and identifying policy areas which need to change as a result of these findings.
Report using carers' experiences to assess the effectiveness and value of the direct payments system and make recommendations for improvements.
Document assessing the economic impact of the recommendations of the National Dementia Strategy for England.