
Fear of the Unknown : addressing fears, myths, attitudes and values around child protection issues

The aim of this workshop is to dispel the fears of people who are relatively new to child protection issues, and those who feel it is a muddy area of legislation and uncomfortable procedures for themselves and the children and young people they work with.

The beauty of this workshop is it can be used for introduction to child protection issues or to update existing knowledge or beliefs. The exercise lasts between 1 to 3 hours and is suitable for groups of 3 to 20.

Significant Legislation in Work with Children and Families

This is an introduction to significant legislation in the field of child care other than The Children (Scotland) Act 1995. It is the third in a series of sessions in this resource which can be used together. The first two dealt with children’s rights and Children (Scotland) Act 1995. They have been re-structured for independent use, but can still be used in sequence. The final session deals with (social work) departmental procedure (this could be adapted for use by other agencies).This section is a trainer input via a Powerpoint presentation with handouts.

Safeguarding children : a joint Chief Inspectors' report on arrangements to safeguard children

The government made a commitment in the 1998 White Paper 'Modernising Social Services' to put in place new arrangements to commission from all of its Chief Inspectors of services involved with children a joint report on children’s safeguards.

This is the first of those reports and draws on the findings of a wide range of inspection activity undertaken by individual inspectorates. In addition, a joint inspection was undertaken to address inter-agency arrangements for safeguarding children.