social services

Performance inspection of social work services: South Ayrshire council 2009

The inspection of South Ayrshire social work services took place between November 2008 and March 2009. Our inspection team consisted of SWIA inspectors, an associate inspector, a carer inspector and sessional inspectors. The directorate of children and community delivered good outcomes for many people who used its services. Those people who used services that responded to our survey and that we met during the inspection were satisfied with the help they received and the way they were treated.

SCIE Knowledge review 03: Types and quality of knowledge in social care

SCIE, in the formation of its good practice guidance for the social care sector seeks to include all relevant kinds of knowledge and strongly believes that it is only through looking at the sector from a whole perspective - including the views of service users and practitioners - that we can truly advise social care workers on what works best.