
Positive start, positive outcomes

Document that continues the theme of partnership working as fundamental in the delivery of theEarly Years Framework.

It sets out issues which need to be taken forward together to turn the Framework’s ambitions into a reality; and highlights a range of case studies, showing how the principles of the Framework are being delivered across services and communities in Scotland.

Getting it Right for Play: the power of play - an evidence base summary

Short summary of a detailed literature review, the Power of Play: an evidence base. It presents a strong body of evidence and expert opinion demonstrating the crucial role of play, especially outdoor play, in children’s enjoyment of their childhood, their health and their development. It also discusses the importance of creating spaces and opportunities where children can play freely in their local neighbourhoods.

Play in staffed provision: the Scottish experience

Research briefing which is based on an online survey of 20 questions. The survey was administered in November and December 2011. Initially, childcare providers in Glasgow, East Ayrshire, West Lothian and the Shetland Isles were invited to participate, using a contact list provided by the Care Commission. Youth Scotland and the Scouts promoted awareness of the research through their ezines. Similarly, the Smartplay Network brought the research to the attention of toy library contacts.