early intervention

Making sense of early intervention: a framework for professionals

Briefing paper that provides a framework for early intervention for professionals taking crucial commissioning and funding decisions at the local authority level. It distils key common threads from the plethora of recent reports on the pressing need for this approach. Most significantly, it addresses emerging misconceptions about how an authority- or borough-wide early intervention strategy should be delivered and, in particular, challenges an overly ‘programmatic’ approach.

Getting better?: improving outcomes for children and young people (Part 2)

Briefing paper produced to highlight the key research messages from the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s services (C4EO) for general practitioners (GPs) and other commissioners and providers of health services, across a number of thematic areas. The messages help to illustrate some of the interventions that have been proven to have a positive impact and make a difference in people’s lives.

A toolkit to support the commissioning of targeted preventative services: South West regional commissioning

Toolkit developed by the Institute of Public Care in response to an identified need from commissioners of adult social care and health services across the South West.

It is intended to help commissioners ensure that in a period of huge financial pressure that best use is being made of limited prevention and early intervention resources, and to enable commissioners to further contribute to the development of new and effective preventative services.

Prevention and reduction: a review of strategies for intervening early to prevent or reduce youth crime and anti-social behaviour

Review aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of the key characteristics of ‘what works’ in terms of early interventions to prevent or reduce youth crime or anti-social behaviour.

By drawing on evidence from the international literature, primarily the US where the evidence base is especially strong, it provides a critical evaluation of youth crime interventions in England, where the scientific evidence is less robust.

Plusone mentoring: evaluation

plusone mentoring is an early intervention programme that uses a voluntary mentoring approach to engage with young people aged mainly 8 to 14 years who are deemed at high risk of future offending. It combines the school, social work, police and community model with a youth work model, which emphasises community involvement and responsive practice in work with young people.

The Munro review of child protection: final report – a child-centred system

Final report which sets out proposals for reform which, taken together, are intended to create the conditions that enable professionals to make the best judgments about the help to give to children, young people and families.

This involves moving from a system that has become over-bureaucratised and focused on compliance to one that values and develops professional expertise and is focused on the safety and welfare of children and young people.

Early intervention, using the CAF process, and its cost effectiveness: findings from LARC3

The LARC3 research findings provide important "real time‟ evidence about the cost effectiveness of early intervention. At a time when there is increasing interest in promoting sector-led models of service improvement, the LARC model, in which local authorities and national agencies undertake collaborative research, has potential as one of the "improvement tools‟ available to local authorities and government.

Windows of opportunity: prevention and early intervention in dementia - a tool for commissioners and providers

Early intervention is often seen as anticipatory information and support delivered at the earliest stage of dementia, following diagnosis.

Prevention encompasses the range of interventions that prevent an increase in need that may tip an individual into a higher or more intensive level of service.

This SCIE resource explains this further and offers a greater understanding of the journey through dementia.