substance misuse

Measuring the harm from illegal drugs : a summary of the Drug Harm Index 2006 - Research Report 13

The Drug Harm Index (DHI) was developed as the overarching measure for the PSA target to reduce the harm caused by illegal drugs. It combines robust national indicators of the harms generated by illegal drugs into a single-figure time-series index. The harms include drug-related crime, community perceptions of drug problems, drug nuisance, and the various health consequences that arise from drug abuse.

Understanding dual diagnosis

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. 'Dual diagnosis' is used in the health services to describe people with mental health problems, who also misuse drugs or alcohol. This booklet is for anyone who wants to know more about this.

Is the harm still hidden? Inconsistent responses to Hidden Harm in specialist addiction services

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) report Hidden Harm (2003) outlined key deficits in the provision of services to pregnant drug users, drug using parents and to the children of drug using parents, while highlighting the extent of child exposure to parental drug use. In 2007, a follow-up report assessed what had changed in the intervening period focusing on examples of good practice and positive change. This paper is based on the results from a follow-up postal survey of managers of specialist drug services in the UK.

Good practice guidance for working with children and families affected by substance misuse

This document was published by the Scottish Executive in 2003.

The first part of this guidance sets out what is currently known about the extent of parental substance misuse and the impact on children.

Part 2 sets out what agencies need to ask of families when they present with drug or alcohol problems, and provides guidance to staff on identifying risks.

Part 3 offers advice on what kinds of help may be needed, and on how to work together more effectively.

Policy and practice guidelines for working with children and families affected by problem drug use : getting our priorities right

The first part of the guidance sets out what is currently known about the extent of parental problem drug use and the impact on children. The second tackles the complex area of confidentiality and offers advice to agencies about when, and how, to share information. Part 3 outlines what agencies need to ask of families when they present with drug problems.