voluntary organisations

The Outdoors - A Natural Place for Young People with Autism, End of Project Report

This End of Project Report describes an innovative Transition to Work Programme for young people with autistic spectrum diagnoses and is the result of a pilot programme developed by Lothian Autistic Society (LAS) and Scottish Outdoor Education Centres (SOEC) and made possible through funding from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The pilot had the twin aims of developing employability skills and exploring the therapeutic value of the outdoors. 

Open public services: experiences from the voluntary sector

The first part of this report shares the experiences of voluntary organisations, and one local authority, involved in the transformation of public services. There are some learning points from the Work Programme and Community Budgets but its main focus is on sharing best practice and innovation. This includes coproduction in commissioning, large and small organisations working in consortia, and the use of open-data to increase accountability.

Another way: transforming peoples' lives through good practice in adult social care

Good practice report which offers snapshots - case studies from VODG member organisations - depicting the core issues that help improve the lives of vulnerable people.

The group of people that concerns this report include those with severe and complex needs, with sensory impairments or who have a autistic spectrum disorder.

Data use in voluntary and community organisations

This study assesses the need and demand within voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) for relevant, analysed and well-presented data to support their work tackling poverty. The poverty agenda has shifted away from ‘top-down’ action by central government towards the engagement of local voluntary and community organisations. As small, independent groups with their own ideas about tackling poverty, VCOs represent a powerful, ‘bottom-up’ approach.