policy formulation

Safe and secure: key facts - a summary of CCPAS' ten safeguarding standards for places of worship and other organisations

This booklet is a summary of the Churches' Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS) web-based guidance, 'Safe and secure - the manual'.

The manual covers the needs of children and vulnerable adults in places of worship and other organisations.

The booklet covers CCPAS ten safeguarding standards which include that organisations should adopt a formal, working safeguarding policy and that organisations must develop safeguarding awareness and provide training. It concludes with a list of CCPAS membership benefits.

Can work eradicate child poverty?

This report examines the extent to which work can contribute to the eradication of child poverty, and identifies a number of issues that necessarily arise if work is seen as the best route out of poverty. The government has repeatedly stated that work is the best route out of poverty. This implies that work is not the only route, but is the preferred or main route in tackling child poverty. This report examines the extent to which there is underemployment among parents and a desire to work among parents who are not currently working.

Cost-effectiveness and mental health

This report asks why cost-effective analysis is useful in the field, considers it in relation to other evaluations, and discusses depression treatment, intervention for child and adolescent mental health problems, hospital closure and helping decision makers connect with the evidence, ending with recommendations on stakeholder relevance, expanding the evidence base, expanding and adapting existing evidence, methodological challenges and improving linkages and exchange between research and policy-making.

Towards a popular, preventative youth justice system

In 1998 Labour made significant reforms to the youth justice system. A decade later these have failed to reduce offending. This report proposes ways in which the youth justice system could reduce offending, as well as ways of creating public confidence in the system. Contents include: why we need a new approach to youth justice; a tale of two targets - why a new approach is needed; objectives, barriers to, and new principles of youth justice; can a new direction be preventative?; will the public support popular preventionism?