government policy

Towards a mentally flourishing Scotland: policy and action plan 2009-2011

Policy document that sets out the Scottish Government's action plan for building on existing work to improve mental wellbeing in Scotland up until 2011 by identifying strategic priorities for action and putting in place the infrastructure support and coordination necessary to facilitate implementation and support delivery. The government is committed making sure adequate services are in plance and to working through social policy and health improvement activity to reduce the burden of mental health problems and mental illness and to promote good mental wellbeing.

Closing the opportunity gap programme: phase 1 evaluation (Research findings no.1)

Paper summarising the main findings of an interim evaluation of the Scottish Executive's Closing the Opportunity Gap (CtOG) social inclusion strategy.

The study assessed initial progress towards achieving CtOG aims, objectives and targets up to 2007. The research encompassed secondary analysis of CtOG monitoring data, survey analysis and interviews with key stakeholders.

Scottish Executive response to recommendations made in the report 'Moving forward: review of NHS wheelchair and seating services in Scotland'

The Scottish Executive welcomes the independent Review of the NHS Wheelchair and Seating Service, 'Moving Forward – Review of NHS Wheelchair and Seating Services in Scotland: March 2006', as a comprehensive critique of existing services from the viewpoint of users and carers.

The Executive’s response addresses the 40 recommendations. A number of linked/parallel policy initiatives which support the implementation of recommendations have also been identified.

Improving opportunity, strengthening society: a third progress report on the government's strategy for race equality and community cohesion - volume 2 race equality in public services: statistical report

Statistical annex to the third and final progress report on Improving Opportunity, Strengthening Society the Government's strategy to increase race equality and community cohesion. It brings together the main findings for seven policy areas: education; the labour market; housing; health and personal services; the criminal justice system; perceptions of community cohesion; culture and sport.

Improving the lives of children in Scotland - are we there yet? Findings from national seminars: January-February 2009

The Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights (SACR) was asked by the government to organise four seminars designed to allow professional and interested parties in Scotland to gather together to discuss the United Nations Committee for the Rights of the Child recommendations.

Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People and the Children’s Rights Officers’ Network worked with SACR in organising the events.