central government

Growing up in Scotland (GUS): the impact of children's early activities on cognitive development summary report

The Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS) is an important longitudinal research project aimed at tracking the lives of a cohort of Scottish children from the early years, through childhood and beyond.

The study is funded by the Scottish Government and carried out by the Scottish Centre for Social Research (ScotCen). Its principal aim is to provide information to support policy-making, but it is also intended to be a broader resource that can be drawn on by academics, voluntary sector organisations and other interested parties.

Preventing offending by young people: a framework for action

Scottish Government publication aimed at preventing offending by young people. It outlines a shared ambition of what the government and its partners want to do to as national and local agencies to prevent, divert, manage and change offending behaviour by children and young people - and how they want to do it.

The framework is broad in its scope, spanning prevention, diversion, intervention and risk management, with reference to the individual, the family and the wider community. It reaches from pre-birth and early years to the transition to adult services.

A national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people

Consultation paper setting out and seeking views on a draft national approach to anti-bullying in Scotland. In particular, it proposes an approach to anti-bullying in Scotland for children and young people, broadly outlines contributions to this approach by sectors and stakeholders nationally and identifies the role to be played by the Scottish Anti-Bullying Steering Group.

Support and Services for Parents: A Review of the Literature in Engaging and Supporting Parents

Literature review published by the Scottish Government which draws together existing knowledge on assessing and evaluating parenting interventions. In conducting the literature review, the research team was interested in re-examining the historical policy context to locate the rationale for the introduction of Parenting Orders and the apparent under use of the provisions and the evidence of risk and protective factors and the interrelated issues of antisocial behaviour and child care, alongside effective approaches to family service provision.

Towards agile government

Report setting out what the concept of agility in government means and why it is potentially useful for public sector managers. It examines the changing context in which governments are operating and explains the reasons why developing greater agility can help public services respond to new challenges.

Securing our future: a way forward for Scotland's secure care estate - a response from the Scottish Government and COSLA

The response is presented of Scottish ministers and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) to the recommendations put forward by the Securing Our Future Initiative into how to make best use of Scotland’s secure care resources to improve outcomes for young people and their communities.

They welcome the group’s report and strongly endorse the principles outlined in the vision. They accept in full the nine recommendations of Securing Our Future Initiative and believe that the recommendations should be implemented as an integrated package.

Empowering engagement: a stronger voice for older people - the government response to John Elbourne's review

Publication that sets out an action plan to improve the quality of life of older people through closer engagement with government, in response to John Elbourne's review of the subject, whose key findings and recommendations are discussed and the next steps outlined.