young people

After care: young people's views on leaving care

Report that gives the views of young people, mainly from among those who have left care, about their experience of care and leaving care. As well as looking at what young people have said, we have also tried to see whether they have been getting what the law says that they should be. This report should give an important insight into how well the care system is doing for children and young people, and how it prepares them for their own future, through the eyes of those leaving care for independent adult life.

CRFR research briefings

A Centre for Research on Families and Relationships web resource containing a series of briefing papers on the subjects of parental alcohol problems, young people's views of services, children's mental health, sexual health, quality of life, domestic and other violence, relationships, and other children's and families issues.

Growing up in Northern Ireland

Report that gives insight into the lives of a group of 18 young people from Northern Ireland during a period of profound economic, social and political change, from the mid- to late-1990s to 2010.

The young people featured in this study were part of a larger, long-term project and this study draws on their biographies and shows the impact of youth-relevant policies on real lives. It also identifies gaps and weaknesses in policies and service delivery.

Still running 3

Early findings from the Children's Society's third national survey of young runaways, 2011.

The main aims of the survey were:
1. To provide up-to-date findings on rates and experiences of running away comparable with the two previous surveys conducted in 1999 and 2005
2. To provide new insights into the links between running away and other aspects of children’s lives, through the exploration of issues not covered in previous surveys, such as family change and subjective well-being.