
The Children's Hearings (Legal Representation) (Scotland) Rules 2002

These Rules permit legal representatives to attend Children's Hearings in certain circumstances. They also specify when the Children's Hearing may consider the appointment of a legal representative, and the circumstances in which an appointment may be made.

They authorise the Principal Reporter to make copies of the relevant documentation available to legal representatives and also specifies groups of persons from whom a legal representative may be appointed.

Report of the Disability Working Group

Report of the Disability Working Group and Executive Response. The report of the Disability Working Group sets out their recommendations for the Scottish Executive, local authorities, employers, educators, community care providers etc. Recommendations in the report provide both an agenda for immediate action and a platform to build onto improve equality for disabled people in Scotland.

Voice of the Child Under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 : Giving Due Regard to Children's Views in All Matters that Affect Them : Volume 2

This feasibility study sought to examine how best to conceptualise and evaluate how decision-making in children’s lives takes due account of their views, with particular attention to processes related to Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and the implications for compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Having your say? : the same as you?

'The same as you?' review of services for people with learning disabilities was published in 2000. It set out a 10-year programme of change that would support children and adults with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders (including Asperger’s syndrome) to lead a full life, giving them choice about where they live and what they do.

The Law-Practice Relationship

This learning object is suitable for use in conjunction case studies once students have appreciated the basic framework of the legal rules. These materials raise awareness of: the complexity of the relationship between law and social work in practice; the breadth of legal knowledge necessary for effective practice; the fact that law cannot be seen in isolation from values, and must be subject to critical analysis; how different options for practice balance legal rules, moral rules and individual and collective rights.

Young refugees : a guide to the rights and entitlements of separated refugee children

This guide is about the rights and entitlements of separated refugee and asylum-seeking children in England (often described as unaccompanied children). These are children under 18 years of age who are outside their country and separated from both parents or their legal/customary primary care-giver. The majority of separated children come to the UK alone. However, some children become separated in the UK after informal foster arrangements or family break down.

Realising Recovery : A National Framework for Learning and Training in Recovery Focused Practice

This Framework has been developed as one of the actions identified in Rights, Relationships and Recovery: the report of the national review of mental health nursing in Scotland (SEHD 2006). The Framework outlines the knowledge, skills and values mental health nurses require to work in a recovery focused way with people who use mental health services and their friends, family and carers. This Framework should be seen as part of a process in supporting the development of rights, values and recovery focused practice.

Scottish Executive response to recommendations made in the report 'Moving forward: review of NHS wheelchair and seating services in Scotland'

The Scottish Executive welcomes the independent Review of the NHS Wheelchair and Seating Service, 'Moving Forward – Review of NHS Wheelchair and Seating Services in Scotland: March 2006', as a comprehensive critique of existing services from the viewpoint of users and carers.

The Executive’s response addresses the 40 recommendations. A number of linked/parallel policy initiatives which support the implementation of recommendations have also been identified.