custodial institutions

Determining identity and nationality in local policing

The study involved an examination of practices for checking the nationality and migrant status of arrestees in a sample of custody suites in England and Wales in 2006/07.

The study also involved the piloting of enhanced checking processes in four custody suites. The aim was to examine the use of immigration powers when dealing with foreign national (FN) arrestees and whether this could be expanded and improved.

Transition through detention and custody: arrangements for learning and skills for young people in custodial or secure settings

The report evaluates the range and effectiveness of the arrangements for education and training for several categories of young people: those identified for their likelihood of offending; young offenders who move into custodial establishments then are transferred between different establishments while in custody; and those who move between custody and the community. The report illustrates good practice and makes recommendations for improvement.

Children and young people in custody 2006-2008: an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison

This report presents the findings of a survey of the views and perceptions of 2,500 young people held in prison. Information is included on young people’s perceptions of their conditions and treatment, from their transfer to the establishment to their preparation for release. The results for young women, young men, and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are discussed separately.

The detention of children in the immigration system : first report of session 2009-10

Report of a House of Commons inquiry into the detention of children in the UK immigration system. It looked at why children were detained, how long they were detained for and the conditions inside Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, Bedfordshire. It concludes that improvements need to be made to the legal process, the processing of asylum claims and the treatment of detainees pending legal decisions.

Young refugees : providing emotional support to young separated refugees in the UK

This guide offers advice on how to provide emotional support to young separated refugees and asylum-seeking young people in the UK (often described as unaccompanied children). These are children under 18 years of age who are outside their country of origin and separated from both parents or their legal/customary primary care giver. In this guide the term 'young separated refugee' is used to describe these children and young people.

The Kilbrandon report

The Kilbrandon report was, and still remains, one of the most influential policy statements on how a society should deal with 'children in trouble'. Though it is now over thirty years since it was first published, current debate about child care practices and polices in Scotland still resonates with principles and philosophies derived from the Kilbrandon Report itself.

The arrest and detention of children subject to immigration control : a report following the Children's Commissioner for England's visit to Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre

Report presenting the findings of the Children's Commissioner for England's visit to Yarl's Wood in 2008 and considering the detention of children there in the light of the UK Government's obligations under Article 37 of the UNCRC. It looks particularly at the effect of detention on children's mental and physical health.