
Summing up: a strategic audit of the criminal justice system

Audit that looks at the performance of the principal justice agencies through the eyes of the victims and witnesses who use them.

There are many aspects of our justice system that are very positive – for example, the fall in crime and anxiety, and rise in public confidence – but this audit shows that despite these changes, victims and witnesses are still not treated as well as they should be.

Dad and me: research into the problems caused by absent fathers

Report that looks closely at the impact a father’s absence has on his children’s lives. The negative effects of a father's absence manifest in all kinds of ways; through anti-social behaviour and criminal activity, and sometimes through heavy drinking and drug use.

A qualitative study surveyed 48 young people from Addaction services in Liverpool, London and Derby. These young people were drawn from a range of culturally diverse backgrounds and social classes, and were all aged between 16 and 25. The group was evenly split between genders (26 being male, 22 female).

Reducing gang related crime : a systematic review of ‘comprehensive’ interventions

The aim of this review was to find out if ‘comprehensive’ interventions are more effective at reducing gang related criminal activity and anti-social behaviour than usual service provision. This systematic review was published by EPPI-Centre in 2009. .Systematic reviews aim to find as much as possible of the research relevant to the particular research questions, and use explicit methods to identify what can reliably be said on the basis of these studies.

Prevention and reduction: a review of strategies for intervening early to prevent or reduce youth crime and anti-social behaviour

Review aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of the key characteristics of ‘what works’ in terms of early interventions to prevent or reduce youth crime or anti-social behaviour.

By drawing on evidence from the international literature, primarily the US where the evidence base is especially strong, it provides a critical evaluation of youth crime interventions in England, where the scientific evidence is less robust.

Reponding to gender-based violence in Scotland: the scope of the gender equality duty to drive cultural and practical change

Research undertaken for the Equality and Human Rights Commission by the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, which explores some of the arguments for and against a gender aggravation in Scots criminal law before considering the evidence thus far of the impact the Gender Equality Duty (GED) has had on Scotland’s criminal justice system. It also makes a number of useful recommendations for the future.

Research soundbites: crime and justice

Video recordings produced as a result of joint work by IRISS and the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) on the topic of recent crime and justice research.

The videos offer short 'research soundbites' based on recent or forthcoming research, and a series of crime and justice discussion recordings which capture academics, policy makers and practitioners talking about key issues around crime and justice in Scotland.