child abuse

Walsall Safeguarding Children Board case review executive summary: child P

Briefly presents the background to the case of eighteen month old P who was removed from his parents along with his 4 year old sister and placed with foster carers after allegations of extreme domestic violence. P later suffered serious permanent brain damage whilst in the care of foster carers. The executive summary then presents the findings and recommendations from the case review.

Protecting children today and tomorrow: a multi disciplinary review of child protection measures across Scotland

This review is part of the government's response to the recommendations of the Hammond Report following the tragic death of a 3-year-old child, Kennedy McFarlane. The aim of the review is to promote the reduction of abuse or neglect of children, and to improve the services for children who experience abuse or neglect.

Protecting children: a shared responsibility - guidance for health professionals in Scotland (September 1999)

This document specifically aims to provide user-friendly information for all health professionals in Scotland. It will be valuable to those who may very rarely come into contact with an abused child or children and their families. It is also an important source of advice for staff who have had more experience in this area and highlights the need for child protection training to be made available for all staff.

Children's hearing system in Scotland

The children's hearings system, Scotland's unique system of juvenile justice, commenced operating on 15 April 1971. The system is centred on the welfare of the child. A fundamental principle is that the needs of the child should be the key test and that children who offend and children who are in need of care and protection should be dealt with in the same system. Cases relating to children who may require compulsory measures of intervention are considered by an independent panel of trained lay people.

The Kilbrandon report

The Kilbrandon report was, and still remains, one of the most influential policy statements on how a society should deal with 'children in trouble'. Though it is now over thirty years since it was first published, current debate about child care practices and polices in Scotland still resonates with principles and philosophies derived from the Kilbrandon Report itself.

Protecting children: a shared responsibility - guidance on inter-agency co-operation

This guidance sets out how agencies and professionals should work together to protect children from abuse and neglect, and to safeguard and promote their welfare. It identifies the roles and tasks of different professionals and agencies involved in tackling child abuse and neglect, and it outlines the role of local Child Protection Committees.

How to assist staff in identifying children at risk of abuse or neglect : training for protection : training activity template

This training activity consists of 20 case scenarios and staff are asked to identify whether or not each scenario constitutes abuse of neglect. They are also asked to consider the needs of children at each developmental stage. These exercises can be done individually initially but require group discussion to explore issues effectively.