Dumfries and Galloway Council: eligibility criteria and priority framework for self-directed support
This resource outlines the eligibility criteria developed by Dumfries and Galloway council help people self-assess their needs.
This resource outlines the eligibility criteria developed by Dumfries and Galloway council help people self-assess their needs.
Scoping report that explores the implications of implementing key Dilnot and Law Commission proposals in respect of assessment and eligibility for publicly funded adult social care.
It explores the Dilnot Commission‟s recommendations, and those of the Law Commission, for a new model of assessment and a national eligibility threshold for publicly funded adult social care in England. It also discusses the implications for these processes of establishing limited liability for individuals by the proposed capped lifetime contribution of £35,000 for people paying for care.
Document setting out a constitution for social care in England designed to make social care services simpler, fairer and more equal for all. It is based on principles such as citizenship, equality, access and eligibility, independence and choice and control.
A stakeholder task and finish group was formed to advise Welsh Assembly Government Ministers on options for introducing consistency to non residential social care charges. This report begins with a summary of the consultation activity and an overview of stakeholder views. The main focus of the report is identifying and assessing policy options aimed at achieving greater consistency in charging for non residential social care services in Wales.
This study used five in depth case studies using documentary analysis, interviews and structured case response methods. The study aimed to consider the impact of the move towards integrated children's service arrangements on how social care services for deaf children and their families are delivered and whether these arrangements create opportunities or threats to identify, assess and meet social care needs. Although good practice was identified, there were concerns about the quality, availability and appropriateness of social care services.
UK Government document providing local authorities with a framework for determining eligibility for adult social care in England and setting out how local authorities should carry out assessments and reviews and help people through these processes.
Report arguing that the social care system in England suffers from a number of flaws such as lack of clarity, complexity and unfairness. It puts forward the idea of a constitution for social care which would ensure a system based on a clear set of principles setting out exactly what users can expect from the system and what they might contribute in return.