
Lesbianism (Radio 4 series: Woman's Hour)

This episode of Radio 4's Woman's Hour series looks at how being a lesbian has changed. Jenni Murray talks to Clare Summerskill about her new play, Gateway to Heaven which is based entirely on the memories of older lesbians and gay men. Their stories are an eye-opener on a time when lesbians and gay men were significantly more constrained, both legally and socially, than they are today.

Poverty : interview with Moraene Roberts of ATD Fourth World

Moraene (Mo) Roberts has worked with the charity ATD Fourth World for many years and has worked with many families in poverty. Her experiences and insights into the issues of poverty and social exclusion provides a very useful overview of the issues facing families living in poverty and some key lessons for practitioners who are in contact with these families. The interview lasts approximately 20 minutes.

The Body of Law

This learning object is suitable especially for an opening module, enabling discussion of the legal system. The Body of Law will make students aware of: how law is made; how social issues may be reflected in the legal rules; how the legal rules reflect the society of which they are a part; the relationship between national and international jurisdictions; the role of the judiciary and of case law; the separation of powers.

Experts by Experience

'Experts by Experience' is suitable for use throughout law learning. The materials will: introduce users to how service users and carers have experienced legal interventions by social workers; identify how experts by experience identify good and poor practice by social workers; present what experts by experience suggest are the essential knowledge, skills and values that social workers should have and how they should use them; present key messages for social workers on what is really important for service users and carers when legal interventions are being used.