
Abuse and Disabled Children

This course is a mixture of didactic input and case scenario exercises. It also includes a PowerPoint presentation called 'A Multi Agency Understanding of Child Protection Related to Disability'. The course offers information on the current state of knowledge about the abuse of disabled children and the challenges of their adequate protection. There is then an opportunity for participants to make use of this knowledge using some brief case scenarios. Exercise can last approximately 2.5 hours and is appropriate for groups of 8-25.

Restorative Justice : Blooming Good Idea Training Guide

This training tool and teaching guide introduce the basic concepts and ideas of Restorative Justice for use in all kinds of learning environments. It provides a helpful multimedia visual that will give learners a concrete and visual image to relate the theory of Restorative Justice (RJ) to. It also provides the instructor with helpful suggestions, worksheets, and explains the elements of the resource.

How to assist staff in identifying children at risk of abuse or neglect : training for protection : training activity template

This training activity consists of 20 case scenarios and staff are asked to identify whether or not each scenario constitutes abuse of neglect. They are also asked to consider the needs of children at each developmental stage. These exercises can be done individually initially but require group discussion to explore issues effectively.

Exploring beliefs and values

This exercise is designed to prompt participants to ‘surface’ the beliefs and values that underlie their reactions to the situations that children are in. This exercise is usually carried out with a large group split into smaller groups of 4 – 5 people. It lasts approximately 90 minutes.