
Social Work Inspection Agency: Performance Inspection Summary: East Ayrshire Council 2009

The Social work Inspection Agency (SWIA) is carrying out performance inspections of all local authority social work services in Scotland. This leaflet summarises some key findings of the inspection of East Ayrshire Council’s social work services, which are set out in the full report published in June 2009.

Children affected by substance misuse in the family: an assessment of the nature and prevalence in the Borders

In the Borders there are an estimated 1,306 children and young people affected by substance misuse within the family. The Borders Drug & Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) has, over recent years, become increasingly aware of concerns around the impact of parental drug and alcohol misuse on children and young people. Assessing this problem has been a very complex process, and due to the varying levels of awareness and activity between agencies, has been impossible to determine exact numbers of children and families affected in this way.

How good is our school?: self-evaluation using quality indicators

This edition of 'How good is our school?' replaces that published in 1996. It is designed, as were the earlier editions, to help headteachers and teachers in school self-evaluation and to assist education authority officials in discharging their responsibilities for quality assurance. The continuing strength of this set of quality indicators is that it is used in external evaluation by HM Inspectors as well as in self-evaluation by schools and by local authorities in quality assurance procedures.

Performance inspection of social work services: South Ayrshire council 2009

The inspection of South Ayrshire social work services took place between November 2008 and March 2009. Our inspection team consisted of SWIA inspectors, an associate inspector, a carer inspector and sessional inspectors. The directorate of children and community delivered good outcomes for many people who used its services. Those people who used services that responded to our survey and that we met during the inspection were satisfied with the help they received and the way they were treated.