research report

New media, young people and the internet

Alcohol marketing on the internet is growing rapidly, with the alcohol industry utilizing a range of new and interactive techniques to reach existing and new customers. Of particular concern is the presence of alcohol companies on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, and video sharing sites such as YouTube, given that huge numbers of children and young people use these sites on a regular basis, and are consequently at risk of exposure to marketing intended for adults.

How young people look for information online: a survey of views in six European countries

Research that has been undertaken as part of the European Digital Youth Information Project (EDYIP), a networking project on the theme of online information for young people. The aim of the research is to provide insights into the issues that young people face when searching for online information in order to inform the development of good practice on how best to reach young people through the internet.

Scottish social attitudes survey 2010: attitudes to discrimination and positive action

Report that presents key findings from a study of public attitudes towards discrimination and positive action. Based on data from the Scottish Social Attitudes survey (SSA), the study aimed to:

• Measure the extent and character of discriminatory attitudes in Scotland in 2010
• Assess the extent of support for positive action to try and achieve equality for different groups
• Examine how attitudes have changed over time.

The first step? A response to the commission on funding of care and support

A think-tank report examined the 'capped cost' model for social care proposed by the Commission on Funding of Care and Support (July 2011). The key strength of the Commission's recommendations was their recognition that the private sector could not make a big enough profit out of providing universal coverage against the potential 'catastrophic costs' of needing long-term care, and that this role therefore had to be performed by the state.

Building the Big Society (CASEreport 67)

Report that brings together a range of evidence about civic engagement and community control. Starting from an overview of some of the emerging coalition policy around the 'Big Society' and localism, it proceeds to consider these current directions in the light of the long history and diverse history of “Big Society” type approaches, then outlines some of the opportunities and challenges communities face in taking up these opportunities.

The report has a specific focus on the challenges for more disadvantaged communities in engaging with the Big Society.

The Social Fund: a review of selected literature

Review with the objective to examine what the Social Fund currently consists of and explore how it operates; and consider whether the Fund could be made more responsive to Scottish Government priorities and look at the possible consequences of devolving responsibility for it.

The review was completed in May 2010 and presents evidence relating to the Social Fund and discusses the Scottish and UK Government policy context which was operational at the time of writing. There have been significant developments in UK Government policy since then which are not covered in this report.