research report

Maximising opportunities: final evaluation report of the Healthier, Wealthier Children (HWC) project

Report that presents the evaluation findings from the Healthier, Wealthier Children (HWC) project. The project involved developing new approaches to providing money and welfare advice to pregnant women and families with children at risk of, or experiencing, child poverty across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHS GGC).

Funded by the Scottish Government, the 15-month project involved a range of partners including NHS GGC, Glasgow City Council, other council partners, and the voluntary sector.

Social work practices: report of the National Evaluation

Evaluation of five social work practice (SWP) pilots started up in England between December 2009 and May 2010. These independent organisations were commissioned by local authorities to provide services for looked after children and care leavers.

The pilots were introduced to discover whether smaller social work-led organisations independent of local authorities could improve the morale and retention of social workers and bring decision making closer to front-line practice.

Dementia: autonomy and decision-making. Putting principles into practice. Research summary and recommendations for policy and practice

This project drew on the experiences of over 100 carers (family members, partners, friends, volunteers) who have taken on the role of proxy decision-maker for someone with dementia. I wish to thank them all for their invaluable contributions to informing both the practical guide to making decisions and this report.

Services shared: costs spared? An analysis of the financial and non-financial benefits of local authority shared services

Report that focuses on the key themes that emerged from the research, specifically the nature and scale of the benefits delivered in practice by shared service arrangements. It also outlines an evaluation tool that has been developed to help identify financial and non-financial share service benefits and to monitor delivery progress.

Consultation on the integration of adult health and social care: joint statement from the key representative housing organisations in Scotland

Joint statement to the government's consultation document, Integration of Adult Health and Social Care, made by the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO); the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland; the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA); Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF); the Housing Support Enabling Unit (HSEU); and Care and Repair Scotland.

Family Action Perinatal Support Project

Report on the Family Action Perinatal Support Project which was established at four sites across the UK in 2010 and evolved from the early work of Newpin. The aim of this service was to offer women experiencing perinatal anxiety and depression support from volunteer befrienders who had experienced such perinatal mental health problems. A total of 86 volunteer befrienders were recruited and trained, and the service was provided to around 189 women during the study period.