research report

Follow-up evaluation of self-directed support test sites in Scotland

Follow-up evaluation that is built upon the initial evaluation of the self-directed support test sites which reported in September 2011.

This follow-on study sought to assess continued uptake in the test sites; to identify activities to further promote and increase awareness of self-directed support and identify system wide change within the test site local authorities.

Local action to tackle child poverty in Scotland

Report that presents the findings from a survey of senior figures (Chief Executives and Council Leaders) and Council officers with an interest and/or responsibility for tackling poverty within Scottish local authorities conducted one year after the introduction of the Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland.

It aims to document and analyse their thoughts - as key informants - on how child poverty is being tackled locally across Scotland.

Offenders peer interventions: what do we know?

Very little is currently known about the practice of using offenders as peer mentors. This study seeks to begin to address this gap in our knowledge and has four key objectives: • to develop the evidence-base regarding the practice of using offenders in peer mentoring roles • to establish what works (and what does not) • to identify the individual and wider benefits and how these can be maximised in future provision • to develop principles of 'best practice'.

Open public services: experiences from the voluntary sector

The first part of this report shares the experiences of voluntary organisations, and one local authority, involved in the transformation of public services. There are some learning points from the Work Programme and Community Budgets but its main focus is on sharing best practice and innovation. This includes coproduction in commissioning, large and small organisations working in consortia, and the use of open-data to increase accountability.

Partnership working (Third Sector Research Centre Research Report, 88)

Working paper that summarises the findings of a research project into third sector partnerships for public service delivery.

The research was based on five case studies of organisations involved in public service delivery in different policy fields including housing, welfare, and employment services, preceded by a period of scoping research with national interviewees.

Social work practices: social work practice pioneers (mid-point report)

Report that sets out a summary of progress at the mid-point in the implementation of seven Social Work Practice (SWP) pilots with adults. The programme was sponsored by the Department of Health (DH), managed through the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), and has been actively supported through a Project Support Group by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), the College of Social Work, the British Association of Social Workers (BASW), Skills for Care and the Local Government Association (LGA).

The opportunities and challenges of the changing public services landscape for the third sector in Scotland: a longitudinal study year three report (2009-2012)

Report that outlines findings from the first three years of a longitudinal research project examining The changing public services landscape in Scotland: opportunities and challenges. This work was commissioned by the Scottish Government and, using qualitative case studies and focus groups, has been tracking the way in which a selection of third sector organisations (TSOs) have responded to the changing opportunities and challenges over a period of three years starting from 2009/2010.

Progressing personalisation: a review of personal budgets and direct payments for carers

Review that explores implementation of personalisation for carers, focusing specifically on personal budgets and direct payments in relation to support provided to carers. It reviews evidence on current implementation and identifies areas for further policy and practice development in view of proposed changes to the law in the draft Care and Support Bill.

It examines:

  • What personalisation should mean for carers
  • Assessment and eligibility
  • Resource allocation
  • Support planning and how personal budgets are spent

Evidence and practice review of support for victims and outcome measurement

Research that aims to review the existing evidence and practice surrounding victims' support needs, outcome measurement and quality assurance in the victim support sector, to assess:

  • the support needs of victims
  • the effectiveness of interventions to support victims
  • how to develop victim outcome measures or indicators
  • how to measure victim outcomes
  • how to measure and assess quality in support service provision.