
Challenge question: how can we help tackle child poverty – our main business is housing and tenancy issues?

Child Poverty challenge question postcards on housing published by Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services (C4EO). This downloadable postcard present challenge questions from C4EO’s research. The questions act as checklists to stimulate multi-agency thinking and help you develop your Child Poverty strategy and practice. There are questions for strategic leaders in children’s services, housing professionals, health professionals and frontline practitioners.

Challenge question: How can our work improve the health of children, young people and families living in poverty? How can this be reflected in health strategies?

Child Poverty challenge question postcards on health published by Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children's and Young People's Services (C4EO). This downloadable postcard present challenge questions from C4EO’s research. The questions act as checklists to stimulate multi-agency thinking and help you develop your Child Poverty strategy and practice. There are questions for strategic leaders in children’s services, housing professionals, health professionals and frontline practitioners.

Challenge question: what more can we do through children’s centres and schools to address child poverty?

Challenge question postcard published by the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services in 2010. This downloadable postcard present challenge questions from C4EO’s research. The questions act as checklists to stimulate multi-agency thinking and help you develop your Child Poverty strategy and practice. There are questions for strategic leaders in children’s services, housing professionals, health professionals and frontline practitioners.

Journeys of Recovery : stories of hope and recovery from long term mental health problems

This booklet of short narratives of recovery has been derived from the research project: "Recovering Mental Health in Scotland. Research project" (Brown, Wendy, and Kandirikirira, Niki. 2007). The stories are summaries from research interviews conducted with individuals who are in recovery from long term metal health problems. (en)

Routes to recovery : collected wisdom from the Scottish Recovery Network narrative research project

This short booklet has been derived from the research report: "Recovering Mental Health in Scotland. Report on Narrative Investigation of Mental Health Recovery" (Brown, Wendy, and Kandirikirira, Niki. 2007).

It is intended to highlight some of the strategies that people indicated had supported their mental health recovery journey.

Understanding eating problems

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. Anorexia, bulimia, binging and compulsive eating can blight people’s lives. This booklet describes the signs of eating distress, explains possible causes and looks at the kinds of treatment available. It aims to help anyone who thinks they themselves, a friend, or a member of their family, may have a problem of this kind.

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance newsletter December 2004

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) promotes, supports and defends the principles and practice of independent advocacy across Scotland. This newsletter provides an update on the progress of the SIAA and includes details of their 'Training for Trainers' session, information about elder abuse, Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002, some health and safety issues and details of useful organisations.