evidence summary

Early Intervention: Securing good outcomes for all children and young people

Today, it is widely agreed by experts across the world that early intervention can be of enormous benefit to children. That is why, as this paper sets out, the government is investing in a number of evidence-based prevention and early intervention programmes and supporting their roll out across the country.

This document draws together a wealth of research and good practice with the aim of supporting Children’s Trust Boards and their constituent partners to bring greater consistency, rigour and impact to the way early intervention is organised and delivered locally.

Ensuring all disabled children and young people and their families receive services that are sufficiently differentiated to meet their needs: progress map summary

This progress map summary includes key research findings from a C4EO knowledge review about the diverse needs of different groups of disabled children and their families, and whether services are meeting these needs. The summary includes challenge questions which can be used as tools for strategic leaders in assessing, delivering and monitoring the ways in which the needs of disabled children from differentiated groups are met.

PHASE : promoting health after sifting the evidence

The aim of this project was to help people purchasing and providing health promotion services to develop the skills they need to make sense of evidence about effectiveness. This systematic review was published by EPPI-Centre in 1996 .Systematic reviews aim to find as much as possible of the research relevant to the particular research questions, and use explicit methods to identify what can reliably be said on the basis of these studies.

Descriptive mapping of health promotion studies in young people

This review aimed to identify research on health promotion for young people in the areas of accident prevention, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, sexual health and substance abuse. Its purpose was to describe the needs and views of young people with respect to their health, examine the range of interventions undertaken, and make recommendations for future research.

Parent-training/education programmes in the management of children with conduct disorders (NICE technology appraisal guidance 102)

Guidance intended to assist health and social care professionals who are involved in dealing with parents of children with conduct disorders. It advises on all aspects of organising and running education programmes for parents.

Working with challenging and disruptive situations in residential child care: Sharing effective practice. Children's and Families' Services Knowledge Review 22

The children’s residential care sector across the UK has changed markedly over the past two decades and more. One impact of these changes has been a greatly reduced residential sector, with the proportion of looked-after children who are placed in residential care declining over this period.

Evidencing the impact of criminal justice services on re-offending

Paper highlighting the limitations of evaluating criminal justice services in terms of their impact on re-offending using reconviction data only.

It discusses the implications of this for policy and recommends the use of other research methods which conform more to the aims of specific services. It also identifies some of the limits of any criminal justice system's capacity to reduce harm in society.

SCIE Systematic map report 1: The extent and impact of parental mental health problems on families and the acceptability, accessibility and effectiveness of interventions

The background and aims of the map topic are discussed followed by an explanation of the methodology behind the systematic mapping. The report then focuses on the flow of literature found in the map and the main results. Finally, there is a discussion of the findings and wider implications of the map for carrying out systematic reviews and various types of other work.'