briefing paper

Child protection

Paper that gives a brief outline of the principles which govern the care and protection of children by public authorities, the main legislation and guidance in the area of children‟s hearings and local authority child protection systems together with some key statistics.

Early intervention and prevention with children and families: getting the most from team around the family systems

In recent years, significant national attention has been devoted to the more systematic identification and application of effective evidence-based services for families with additional needs.

Whilst recognising the importance of effective services, this briefing paper argues that having effective local systems to identify families who would benefit from additional support and to coordinate support from a range of agencies is at least as important.

Why relationships matter for the early years: research evidence from CRFR

Briefing that aims to summarise and distil the relevant research conducted by CRFR over the past 10 years and findings from the Scottish Government funded Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) study which tracks the lives of 8000 Scottish families and their young children from birth. CRFR is actively involved in the analysis and dissemination of GUS findings.

Insight 28: early years education - perspectives from a review of the international literature

Research that reviews how a national process of education reform for children aged 3-18 was under way and revision of the existing curriculum guidance for children aged three to five was being considered.

The review aims to point to examples, raise issues and look critically at evidence but makes no claims to be exhaustive.

Disability and universal credit

Briefing that looks at four particular financial changes for disabled children, adults and their families, and considers how they will interact with the broader universal credit changes. Whilst three of the changes are cuts and one is an increase, not all the people affected by the specific losses and gains will lose or gain overall in the way that might be expected. This briefing unpicks some of the complexity.

Fair access to justice? Support for vulnerable defendants in the criminal courts

Briefing paper that has been prepared for criminal justice, healthcare and legal professionals and practitioners, members of the judiciary, and local government directors of adult and children’s services and lead members in England and Wales.

It will be of particular use to those working in liaison and diversion services in England and criminal justice liaison services in Wales; magistrates; defence lawyers and court staff.

At a glance 59: end of life care for people with dementia living in care homes

This At a glance briefing summarises the research briefing End of life care for people with dementia living in care homes (SCIE 2012). Research briefings provide a concise, narrative summary of the research knowledge on a particular topic and signpost routes to further information. This briefing was published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and it has been co-produced with the National End of Life Care programme.

SCIE research briefing 40: end of life care for people with dementia living in care homes

This research briefing is about the care provided in care homes to people with dementia in the period leading up to the end of their lives. It aims to provide an overview of a range of issues important to care home residents, carers and providers. Research briefing published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in May 2012. Review date is May 2015.