
Understanding and modifying the impact of parents’ substance misuse on children

outline the huge literature on the potentially negative impact on children of growing up with a parent who has an alcohol or drug problem, the risk factors that can exacerbate this effect, and resilience and the protective factors that can reduce it. Clear ways that practitioners can intervene to reduce risk and to increase resilience are discussed.

Can you recover what you never had?

There has been much talk in recent months as to developing a clearer more focus drug strategy. A drug strategy, that has a more clearly defined intention for both service users and those commissioning and providing the service. In Scotland this has produced a strategy that has placed the recovery process at its heart.

In the rest of the UK, the focus has been less explicitly stated. However, it is evident for recent conferences and debates in the media and within services that there is a momentum for change in how we deliver treatment and support services.

Lack of statutory practice placements for students leaves newly qualified social workers struggling for jobs

A survey carried out by Community Care has found a chronic shortage of statutory practice placements for students in London. This article looks difficulties some student social workers have had in finding a placement, and the poor quality if some placements provided.