strengths-based approach

Putting people into personalisation: relational approaches to social care and housing

Paper that argues that 'demand-side' reforms such as Direct Payments do not on their own result in a change of provision in the care and support market. It asks what 'supply-side' reforms might be needed in order to bring real choice - the choice about the shape of their lives - to those newly 'empowered' 'consumers'.

Systematic review of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) with children and families

This systematic literature review of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) arises from the second Serious Case Review (SCR) of the death of Peter Connelly (Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board, 2009), in whose case SFBT was being partially used within children’s social care services.

The Peter Connelly SCR Overview Report included the recommendation to examine whether any models of practice had an influence on the way in which Peter’s case was managed.