social care workforce

Community and voluntary services in the age of austerity

Report that lays bare the impact of austerity on services provided by the community and voluntary sector and on the workers for whom providing a service is not just a job, but part of a deep personal commitment to the people they support.

It is a wake-up call for politicians and society at large that workers in the community sector are approaching crisis point, and it is time to take notice.

Report 48: mental health, employment and the social care workforce

This report summarises evidence on what prevents people with mental health problems from working or retaining work in social care and what can be done to enable them to work. It provides a summary of a range of policy and programmes designed to enable people with mental health problems to gain, retain and regain work, with specific focus on employment in social care. Report published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in October 2011. Review date is October 2014.