Losing control: Jay
Childline video animation on the dangers of losing control in relationships.
Childline video animation on the dangers of losing control in relationships.
Web resource that defines child sexual exploitation and sets out key guidance, research and practice. It also provides information on identification of children or young people who are being sexually exploited.
Video animation about what it is to care for someone and not abuse or exploit them.
Report that uncovers for the first time the extent to which children in England are being sexually exploited.
Study that was undertaken between January 2012 and June 2012. It has three aims: to review existing research, policy and practice literature from the UK regarding the scale and nature of child sexual exploitation, and trafficking for sexual exploitation, focusing on Scotland; to review key Scottish statistics regarding the scale and nature of child sexual exploitation in Scotland; and to gather preliminary and exploratory information from key professionals regarding their perceptions of the scale and nature of child sexual exploitation in Scotland.
Paper that outlines the key findings of the limited research that has investigated how a history of child sexual abuse can influence men’s perceptions and experience of fatherhood, and also discusses some of the reasons why this important topic remains largely excluded from public, academic and policy discourses.
This paper will be most useful to practitioners and policy-makers who work to support men, parents and/or families.
Briefing that outlines the elements of an effective local response to child sexual exploitation. It suggests how local authorities and other stakeholders can tackle this abuse, and the advantages of partnership working and information sharing.
Research on current knowledge of sexual abuse and service provision.
The overall aim of the research was to increase knowledge and understanding of the sexual exploitation of children and young people in NI, in order to aid better prevention of, and responses to, the issue in the future.
Report that calls on the Secretary of State for Education to take the lead in ensuringa fundamental shift in policy, practiceand service delivery in England.
It makes the case for a minister, supported by dedicated officials, to take responsibility and set out a clear plan of action for all agencies to: raise awareness to improve early identification of child sexual exploitation, improve statutory responses and the provision of services, improve the evidence and improve prosecution procedures.