
See hear: a strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland

See Hear is a strategy for both children and adults. It recognises the rising incidence of those illnesses and disabilities that increase with age and acknowledges the work for children with sensory loss taking place through policies such as Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC), the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill which is currently progressing through Parliament and the Scottish Government's response to the Doran Review. It is set against a background of increasing demand, the requirement for greater efficiency and effectiveness, and health and social care Integration.

Young people creating belonging: spaces, sounds and sights

The 'Sight and Sound Project' used creative sensory methods to explore how young people who are looked after feel that they belong, or do not belong, in the places that they live.

This briefing focuses primarily on the relationship between the senses (visual, audial and touch) and participants' feelings of belonging (or not) while looked after and leaving care. It also outlines other key issues raised by the young people, including their relationships with various agencies, notably the police as well as further detail on the creative and sensory methods employed.