ScotCen Social Research: research
Research resources on a range of social policy areas. Topics include children, schools and families; crime and justice; social inclusion; health and lifestyle; and income and welfare.
Research resources on a range of social policy areas. Topics include children, schools and families; crime and justice; social inclusion; health and lifestyle; and income and welfare.
Publications section of Nesta website, which contains research on how innovation works best in the UK and how policy can best support it.
A complete listing of all the reports published with the Foundation’s support, starting with the most recent. Topics include: citizenship, housing, social welfare and employment.
Research catalogue that contains details of ESRC-funded research projects and their outputs.
It contains details of over 100,000 research outputs (such as books, conference papers and journal articles). There are also details of the outcomes of the projects, and the impacts that the research has had on the economy, society and individuals.
Centre that provides expertise in the fields of welfare and social policy development in a broad sense - in particular in areas where multi-or interdisciplinary approaches, integrated policies and inter-sectoral action are called for.
The European Centre is a UN-affiliated intergovernmental organisation concerned with all aspects of social welfare policy and research.
The research areas include: ageing and generations; childhood, youth and families; incomes, poverty and social inclusion; long-term care and personal social services; and welfare society.
Using and Doing Research is a module developed by IRISS. It consists of three sessions used to explore this topic:
Session 1: Demystifying research and formulating research questions
Session 2: Finding Out
Session 3: Reflecting and Implementing research findings
The EPPI-Centre carried out a scoping review to provide an overview of the current international research literature that evaluates the effectiveness of incentives to address health behaviours related to smoking, healthy eating, physical activity, obesity and weight management. This systematic review was published by EPPI-Centre in 2010. .Systematic reviews aim to find as much as possible of the research relevant to the particular research questions, and use explicit methods to identify what can reliably be said on the basis of these studies.
An interactive research project with residents of two traditionally white estates in Bradford, this study explores their perceptions of community and attitudes towards participation, both on the estates and with external agencies. It explores why, given the partial achievements and commitment to improving the lives of some of the most excluded social groups in the UK, government has been unable to generate self-sustaining improvements in these kinds of settings.
This resource is the website for the Mental Health Foundation which exists to help people survive, recover from and prevent mental health problems.
Its research aims to change our understanding of mental health problems and improve the short and long term future of the nation's mental wellbeing.