
hsns09 : a social services managed knowledge network : networked knowledge for professional practice and organisational change - Ann Wales

Podcast of a talk by Ann Wales, Knowledge Services Group, NHS Education for Scotland, given at the Connected Practice Symposium, "Human services in the network society : changes, challenges & opportunities", Institute for Advanced Studies, Glasgow, 14th/15th September 2009.

Severe Child Poverty in Scotland

Save the Children's recent research estimates that 90,000 children in Scotland live in severe poverty. Douglas Hamilton, Head of Policy and Research, will provide an overview of Save the Children's recent work in this area focussing on the Poverty Premium and access to services. He will also draw attention to some of the policy and practice changes that Save the Children are calling for. Professor Bob Holman, anti-poverty campaigner and community worker, will respond to Douglas' paper focusing on the impact that inequality has on the lives of Scotland's children.

Beyond anecdote : the quest to codify practice wisdom

The everyday experience of practice is rich in potential for learning, as practice educators (student supervisors) are well aware. However, there are considerable barriers to the systematic and sensitive collection of these experiences, with the result that much potential learning is lost. Mark Doel will analyse the barriers to integrating learning and practice, and he will also present a practical, tested model to help practitioners to sample their practice in a systematic fashion and to share it with others.